AAHA: Workers' Compensation Quote Form Please provide answers to the questions below. Question Title * 1. Legal Business Name Including DBA names Question Title * 2. What is your practice's legal structure? Sole proprietor Corporation Partnership LLC PLLC Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How is the practice classified by animal type? The Trust classifies wildlife, zoo, and fur-bearing animals as small animal. Cervidae, poultry, and ratites are classified as food animals Equine Exclusive (90% or more) Small Animal Exclusive (90% or more) Predominately Small Animal (70% or more) Predominately Large/Food Animal (70% or more) Mixed practice (no dominant species or group) Question Title * 4. Practice owner's name? Question Title * 5. Insurance contact's name? Question Title * 6. Practice address, email and phone number Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 7. Mailing Address If different from the practice address Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 8. How many years has the practice been in business? Question Title * 9. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) Question Title * 10. Do you currently use a payroll service? Yes No Question Title * 11. Expiration date of your current workers' compensation policy written through another agent or program. If no policy exists, please enter the desired effective date of a new policy. Question Title * 12. What is your current workers' compensation policy carrier and annual premium? Skip if not applicable Question Title * 13. What is your experience modification factor? Skip if not applicable Question Title * 14. Please provide the employee count and payroll information for animal handlers in your practice. Enter zero (0) for groups that do not apply Animal Handlers: Number of full-time employees Animal Handlers: Number of part-time employees Animal Handlers: Estimated gross annual payroll Question Title * 15. Please provide the employee count and payroll information for clerical staff in your practice. Enter zero (0) for groups that do not apply Clerical Staff (no animal contact): Number of full-time employees Clerical Staff (no animal contact): Number of part-time employees Clerical Staff (no animal contact): Estimated gross annual payroll Question Title * 16. List the names of all owners and officers that you would like to INCLUDE in coverage: Question Title * 17. List the names of all owners and officers that you would like to EXCLUDE in coverage: Question Title * 18. Would you like to include coverage for the spouse of an owner or officer who is an employee of the practice? Question Title * 19. List all workers' compensation claims that occurred the past four years including date, approximate amount paid, and injury type: Workers' compensation Injuries typically include (but are not limited to): animal bite/scratch, lifting sprain/strain or slip/trip/fall. Please elaborate on any other claims. Question Title * 20. Check all that apply regarding your current safety program: Formal training for new hires Employee handbook required to be read and signed by all employees Routine safety meetings for new and current employees Training on proper lifting techniques Adequate safeguards on equipment/machinery Positive management attitude towards safety OSHA compliance Exam Tables that raise and lower Aggressive animal policy Protective clothing for handling animals Disciplinary Program when employee does not follow safety protocol Return to work program First aid kits readily available None of the above Question Title * 21. Are you interested in any of these other AAHA Business Insurance Program coverages? Business Property & General Liability Flood Commercial Auto Umbrella & Excess Liability Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Directors & Officers Liability Cyber Liability Done