
Market research for a new online publication which will connect, represent and combat news avoidance among 18-30 year olds in Scotland. 
1.What age are you?
2.Would you be interested in journalistic content produced by young people for young people?
3.Our current section ideas for this publication are:

Lifestyle/Culture - Reviews, Lists, Guides 
Business/Tech - Job Prospects, Entrepreneurship 

Which of these sections would interest you? (Tick all that apply)
4.What types of stories would you like to see included in this publication? 
5.What multimedia content would you be interested in seeing?
6.Which social media platforms would you like to hear from us on? Please also comment what type of content you would like to see.
7.Do you trust the media?
8.Do you ever avoid reading/watching/listening to news? Please tick all that apply.
9.Which Logo do you prefer?
10.Which of these taglines do you like best?