EPA Talks! - Maintaining East Palo Alto’s Quality of Life - Community Feedback Form Question Title * 1. Do you live in East Palo Alto? Yes No Question Title * 2. In a recent survey, East Palo Alto residents identified the following as top priorities for our City. Please take some time to rank the importance of City services from 1-7, with 1 being the most important Providing safe and clean drinking water Providing 911 emergency medical and police response Maintaining storm drains and the sewer and wastewater system Maintaining public facilities and infrastructure Paving and repairing local streets and roads, sidewalks, and other pedestrian walkways Enforcing traffic laws to protect the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and drivers Addressing the need for local affordable housing Question Title * 3. How would you rate the quality of your local water service? (1-10) 1 being lowest quality, 10 being highest quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 4. Do you think the City is doing enough to support local affordable housing? If not, how could the City do more (policies, production)? Yes No. Please tell us how the City could do more (policies, production)? Question Title * 5. Any feedback on our City’s public safety services? Question Title * 6. What facilities would you like to see in East Palo Alto? A Police Department City Library City Hall Community Center Updating City parks Any other infrastructure needs you’d like to see? Question Title * 7. Do you have other feedback on City service needs? Question Title * 8. Optional (Your personal information will remain confidential) Name: Organization Affiliation (if any): Address: Zip Code: Phone (day): Phone (eve): Email: Done