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* 1. Do you live in East Palo Alto?

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* 2. In a recent survey, East Palo Alto residents identified the following as top priorities for our City. Please take some time to rank the importance of City services from 1-7, with 1 being the most important

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* 3. How would you rate the quality of your local water service? (1-10) 1 being lowest quality, 10 being highest quality

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* 4. Do you think the City is doing enough to support local affordable housing?  
If not, how could the City do more (policies, production)?

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* 5. Any feedback on our City’s public safety services?

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* 6. What facilities would you like to see in East Palo Alto?

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* 7. Do you have other feedback on City service needs?

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* 8. Optional (Your personal information will remain confidential)