Question Title

No butts about it....we don't all fit the 'industry standard' when it comes to underwear. We are on a mission to create better-fitting panties for the many shapes and sizes that make up the modern day girl. Please help us by answering the below as best you can. Your feedback is sincerely appreciated!!

Please note panty cuts below in order to answer survey questions:

No butts about it....we don't all fit the 'industry standard' when it comes to underwear.  We are on a mission to create better-fitting panties for the many shapes and sizes that make up the modern day girl.  Please help us by answering the below as best you can. Your feedback is sincerely appreciated!!<br><br><br>Please note panty cuts below in order to answer survey questions:

Question Title

* 1. What is your preferred panty cut based on HOW IT FITS YOUR BODY? (see image above to identify cuts)

Question Title

* 2. How often do you wear each panty cut? Please rank the cut you wear MOST with a 9, the cut you would probably NEVER wear with a 1 and all others ordered between.

  Wouldn't be caught dead in this style! Maybe on laundry day... Fairly frequently Couldn't live without!
Classic Briefs
High Cut Briefs
Control Briefs

Question Title

* 3. Which panty cut do you wear for each of the following activities or situations?

  Classic Briefs High Cut Briefs Control Briefs Hipster Bikini Boyshorts Tanga Thong G-String I don't wear underwear while doing this I don't do this activity
Running/Working Out/Sports
Date Night
Lounging Around
Going to Work

Question Title

* 5. Please tell us more about your experience with ill-fitting panties - which cuts do you have the most trouble with? Are there any brands that are particularly bad for your build? Extra credit: note any brands/cuts you LOVE, too :)

Question Title

* 6. We all know our bodies tend to change with please help us design the best fitting panties for your age group by letting us know which age range you are currently in.

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* 7. If you could design your own personal 'perfect panty,' what would that panty look like? Please include cut, fit detail, fabric, colors, etc.

Question Title

* 8. Please rank the importance of the following factors when shopping for panties from MOST (1) to LEAST (8) important:

Question Title

* 9. How much would you pay for your 'perfect panty'?