CUC Balonne - Short Courses Survey

This short survey will help us to deliver courses that are of interest and need in the community.  Most short courses are only take a few days of face to face contact time but short courses can include any course that takes less than 6 months to complete. Some require some study before attending other require hours logged afterwards. They can be accredited or non-accredited.  We would love to hear your feedback and interest in short courses to assist us with planning and training delivery.
1.Are you interested in training for (select one):
2.Are you more interested in learning a new skill or completing an accredited course to help with employment.
3.I am interested in training being run in: (Choose all that apply)
4.What type of short courses are of interest to you? (Choose all that apply)
5.Select all the courses you, a family member or friend or your employees would have interest in attending? (choose all that apply)(Required.)
6.Are there any other comments, questions or concerns regarding short courses or training in the region?
7.Please enter your email address if you are interested in staying updated on short courses being run in the region.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered