Anima (PCS Practices New Appointment System) - prelaunch patient survey.

We want to put an end to the 8am appointment lottery and to make it much easier for you to get the help you need.  That’s why we are making changes which will make getting an appointment easier and fairer.  But before we launch our new appointment system, we want to hear what you the patients think.
1.Please confirm the name of your PCS Practice.
2.If you are happy to please confirm your name (this is optional).
3.If you are happy to please confirm your email (this is optional).
4.At the moment, how would you rate the appointment system at your GP Practice.
5.Do you like the idea of an appointment system that better prioritises appointments to those in medical need, but may mean longer delays for others?
Very much dislike
No preference
Very much like
6.How happy would you be requesting a GP appointment, and providing basic details via a form you can fill in online on a smartphone / laptop etc?
Very much dislike
No preference
Very much like
7.Please provide any other comments you may have regarding the new appointment system we are introducing.