Are you interested in an ArtistWorks Certificate Program?

ArtistWorks is considering offering an optional 12-week Certificate Program in addition to its existing membership plans. The Program will test both your knowledge and your playing skills. Quizzes, that include multiple choice, audio, video and multi-media will be taken in weeks 4 and 8 as well as a Final quiz in week 12. A passing score of 80% (average) is required and no quiz score can be below 75%. Video submissions to your teacher will also be required in weeks 4, 8 and your Final video submission will be submitted in week 12.

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* 1. Would you be interested in earning a 12-week Certificate Program offering (multiple skill levels) in the ArtistWorks course(s) where you are a member?

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* 2. If no, why not:

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* 3. What skill level of Certificate Program would you be best suited for?

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* 4. How would a Certificate Program benefit you? (click all that apply)

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* 5. How would you share your accomplishment and Certificate with your community? (click all that apply)

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* 6. Are you willing to pay more for a certificate program?

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* 7. What price are you willing to pay for this 12-week certificate program?