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* 1. Overall, rate how much you agree with the following statement: "I enjoyed Lisa's Gratitude Project." 

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* 2. Overall, rate how much you agree with the following statement: "Seeing Lisa's gratitude posts made me feel happier."

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* 3. How many of Lisa's gratitude posts do you remember seeing in your social media feed?

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* 4. In general, what I liked most about Lisa's gratitude posts was

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* 5. Overall, rate how much you agree with the following statement: "As a coach, Lisa can help people be happier and more motivated."

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* 6. In your own word or phrase, please describe how my gratitude project made you feel.

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* 7. How likely is it that you would recommend Lisa as a coach to a friend or colleague?


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* 8. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 9. To win prizes from My Gratitude Project, you need to follow my coach page/account on Facebook or Instagram. Please put your Facebook or Instagram name here for verification. 

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* 10. What platform did you use to follow Lisa's Gratitude Project?

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