The State Government is offering a three year pay deal to all public sector workers. This length of offer may mean that Allied Health Professional Award Reform cannot take effect for three years.

The full Government offer can be read here.

We need to hear from Allied Health members on the preferred length of pay rise agreements. This is not a vote on whether to accept the Government offer. This vote will be run separately.

A one year pay deal has benefits and downsides.

Benefits of the one-year pay deal include:
  • It will enable members to vote on an offer on its merits, not its impact on Award reform.
  • It will provide members the time to continue building strength in the Award Reform campaign and applying pressure in negotiation
  • It will ensure a pay rise this year (and not have to wait for the outcome of Award Reform).
  • It enables diligent and detailed negotiations over the coming 12 months.
  • It will enable all attention to remain on Award reform.

The downsides of the one-year pay deal include:
  • If members fail to finalise our claims and get stuck into negotiations, then members may be in the same position as next year and have to negotiate another one-year deal.
  • The Allied Health Awards will be in place until July 1, 2025. Unless the HSU and Government can agree to a new Award before this time.
  • It could could lead to complacency and disengagement in the membership for next 12 months.