Survey Questions and Reflective Practices Narrative

As part of our continuous improvement process, we are assessing our effectiveness in preparing ADE students to become reflective practitioners. The main way we would like to do this is to follow you as you grow as teachers. We developed this Reflective Practices Narrative and Survey to learn more about the role of reflection in your teaching practice. We are asking you to complete this upon graduation and will then ask you to complete it each year over the next five years. We will reach out to you next spring when you are completing your first year of teaching!!!!

Question Title

* 1. What school or other educational setting are you teaching in?

Question Title

* 2. In your opinion, how well did your teacher preparation program prepare you for teaching.

  Very Well Moderately Well Somewhat Well Not Well
Utilize different pedagogical approaches
Have a mastery of your subject area
Maintain order and discipline in the classroom
Understand how students learn
Impact your students ability to learn
Implement state or district curriculum and performance standards
Utilize performance assessment techniques
Address needs of students with disabilities
Address needs with limited English proficiency
Address needs of students from different cultural backgrounds
Work collaboratively with teachers, administrators, and other school personnel
Identify and utilize the resources within the community in which you teach
Participate as a stakeholder in the community in which you teach
Integrate technology and teaching

Question Title

* 3. In what ways did the ADE program help me to reflect upon my practice?
Below is a list of different reflective activities you may have participated in while enrolled in the program. Please select at least two and describe, in a few sentences, how they contributed to your growth as a teacher.

Question Title

* 4. How will you continue to reflect on your practice?
Please describe how you plan to incorporate reflection in your practice to improve your teaching in the future. Below is a modified  list of practices you used in the program-- if you plan to continue using some of these please discuss the ones (at least 2) that are most significant to you.