
The New Fellow Survey provides new Fellows with an opportunity to share their experiences of the transition from Advanced Training to unsupervised professional practice and report on how well their training prepared them to make this transition.

The anonymous survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. You have the option to partially complete it, save it, and come back to it later.

Survey eligibility
This survey is intended for new Fellows or ‘early career physicians’ who have completed an RACP Division, Faculty or Chapter training program between 1 April 2022 to 31 May 2023. This may or may not be your first RACP training program completion. If you were already a Fellow and completed the requirements of training in an additional specialty within this time period, we are also interested in your experience.

If you meet these criteria, you are encouraged to share your feedback through this anonymous survey. Your feedback and insights will help us monitor and improve our training programs and enhance the support we offer to early career physicians.

About the survey
Participation in the survey is anonymous and voluntary. If you complete the survey you are consenting for your de-identified and aggregated data to be published and used to inform development, research and evaluation activities at the RACP.

The New Fellow survey was first introduced in 2021 and again conducted in 2023. It is intended to be held on an annual basis. Previous responses have been used to inform improvements to our training programs and continuing education resources, such as:
  • Development of a Health policy, Systems and Advocacy online course
  • Improvements to the Advanced Training Research Project requirement to provide trainees with greater flexibility to complete this requirement or apply for exemption
  • Development of renewed Advanced Training curricula
  • A review of the physician self-care and wellbeing resource to include more targeted content and support for member segments including new Fellows.
All information collected within this survey will be stored, used, disclosed, protected, and deleted as set out in the College's Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection statement.

For more information please visit the New Fellow Survey page on the RACP website.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact

Question Title

* 1. Did you complete an RACP Advanced, Faculty or Chapter training program between 1 April 2022 and 31 May 2023?

6% of survey complete.