Post Survey - Strength-Based Approach to Screening Families for Health-Related Social Needs

Now that you have participated in the MLPB Part 2 of Strengths-Based Screening for Health-Related Social Needs, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete the short survey below. Thank you!

Please complete this survey by noon on Friday, November 12th.
2.How long have you been in your role (or similar role)?
3.Name (optional)
5.Type of Practice
6.Did you attend Strengths-Based Screening for Health-Related Social Needs: The ‘Why’ that Comes Before the ‘How’ on September 21, 2021?
7.Did you attend Strength-based Screening for Health-related Social Needs
Part 2: Theory to Practice on October 19, 2021?
8.Below are several key learning objectives for the upcoming training session. For each statement, please indicate your confidence in performing the task with those you serve:
Not at All Confident
Only Slightly Confident
Somewhat Confident
Very Confident
Screening for risk factors relating to health-related social needs
Screening for protective factors relating to health-related social needs
Setting person-centered screening priorities
Understanding and applying strengths-based approaches for problem-solving
Recognizing the risks associated with screening for health-related social needs
Understanding the historical context of family-level risks and strengths during screening
9.Any suggestions to make the strength-based learning more valuable?
10.Other team members/audiences that you would recommend for this strength-based training?
11.Any suggestions for future learning topics at NCM/CC Best Practice Sharing Meetings?