BCA Program Registration Form

To apply for the Business Coach's Advantage™ Program, please complete this form and submit it using the button at the bottom of the page. Upon receipt of this form we will review it for good fit and contact you regarding next steps. 
Participant Contact Information
1.First name:(Required.)
2.Last name: (Required.)
3.Phone: (Required.)
4.Alternative phone (if available):
5.Time Zone:(Required.)
6.Mailing Address:(Required.)
8.Email address: (Required.)
9.Alternate email (if available):
Program Name & Date  
Please indicate the program name and date you're interested in registering for.
Your Business Experience  
Our focus is on providing coach training for participants who already have a good solid understanding of the business context. Please help us understand your business background.
11.How many years of business experience do you have – either as an employee or as a consultant or coach serving business? [Note: A prerequisite for this program is 7 years of business experience.] (Required.)
12.Who is your current employer? (Required.)
13.What is your current role?(Required.)
14.Briefly describe the nature of your business experience: (approximately 200 or less words) (Required.)
15.Please provide one or more of the following to further help us understand your background: your Linked In profile, or a recent resume, or a link to your website (if you are an external consultant or coach)(Required.)
Your Coaching Context 
16.Are you currently coaching as part of your professional activity/role?(Required.)
17.If yes, please provide a description of your coaching role and activities. (e.g. internal coach/external coach, percentage of your work that involves dedicated coaching, the balance of coaching and other responsibilities, etc.). Include a short description of the people you coach and examples of the themes or topics around which you provide coaching.(Required.)
18.If no, please describe what is prompting you to engage in business coach training. What is the context in which you plan to apply your learning from this program? (Required.)
Your Expectations for this Coach Training Program
19.What is your overall intention for participating in this Business Coaching Certification program? (Required.)
20.From your perspective, what are five core capabilities and skills people need to coach effectively in a business context? (Required.)
21.How would you assess your current strengths in relation to these capabilities/skills needed to coach effectively?(Required.)
22.What are the top 5 things you most want to gain by participating in the Business Coaching Advantage Certification program?(Required.)
Your Education and Training 
Participants in our programs bring a wide range of educational backgrounds. Please help us understand what formal education and training background you have.  
23.School/College/University: (Required.)
24.Course/Program: (Required.)
25.Level Completed: (Required.)
26.Year Completed: (Required.)
27.Area of Study: (Required.)
28.Professional designations: (Required.)
29.Other relevant training:
30.Prior coaching training:
Your Language(s)  
Our programs are currently delivered only in English. A good command of English — spoken and written — is a requirement for participants in the program.  
31.Do you have a good command of English such that you can actively participate in both interactive and written activities? (Required.)
32.What is your first language? (Required.)
33.What other languages do you speak fluently?
Other Comments or Information
34.Is there anything else you want us to know about you?
35.Are there any accessibility needs you would like us to be aware of so we can support your participation in the program?
36.How did you learn about the program?
Submission of Application 
By submitting this application you are indicating that you have read and accepted the terms outlined in Appendix A of the Information Package. By submitting your application you authorize us to verify all information supplied. We may contact you for further information or clarification during our application review process. Thank you for your application!