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* 1. What are the top safety concerns you have in Yachats?

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* 2. In your opinion, what area or specific locations in Yachats would benefit most from our dedicated deputy's attention?

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* 3. How do you feel about the current level of public safety in Yachats?

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* 4. What improvements in public safety would you like to see?

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* 5. What do you believe the dedicated deputy should prioritize to enhance public safety in Yachats?

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* 6. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being very safe. How safe do you feel walking alone in Yachats during the day?

0 10

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* 7. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being very safe. How safe do you feel walking alone in Yachats during the night?

0 10

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* 8. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being very safe. How safe do you feel in Yachats?

0 10

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* 9. Do you live within the City limits of Yachats?