Gift Application

Thank you for your application to Gift A Wish.
Please complete the form and then forward the relevant documentation confirming your ID and diagnosis to
Thank you x

Question Title

* 1. Name, Address (inc postcode)
If you are completing on behalf of a child please detail put your details in question 9.

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* 2. Tel No

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* 3. Date of Birth

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* 4. Please confirm year of primary diagnosis

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* 5. Qualifying condition

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* 6. We will require you to verify your condition and identity. Please supply a hospital letter verifying your condition and personal ID. The letter should be on headed paper, detail your name, address and diagnosis.
You can either scan your letter, or take a photograph of your
ID & letter and email it to
Please detail your
🌈 Condition
🌈 Life expectancy
🌈 Specialist & hospital that the letter will come from
🌈 Email address that the requested information will come from.

Question Title

* 7. Gift you are applying for (Please enter gift type ‘Sparkle’, ‘Rainbow’ or ‘Star’ followed by the code number ~ e.g. Rainbow03)
If you have a special request (e.g. Wedding, Sweet 16 etc) please detail your request with as much information as possible.

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* 8. All gifts are bound by T&Cs. For example, gift experiences may mean you have to travel to a venue. You will be responsible for this travel. Some experiences will require the companies to carry out a risk assessment ~ the company's decision will be final as your safety is paramount.
Please initial the box to show you understand these terms.

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* 9. Should you have anything further please do not hesitate to detail it here.
For Data Protection and GDPR purposes we do not keep or store your emailed documents. They are removed following Acceptance/Rejection.
Sadly we cannot reply to all applications due to the high volume we recieve but we endeavour to respond to successful applicants within 14 days.
Thank you for your application.

Question Title

Gift A Wish

Gift A Wish