UNISON Survey - North Somerset Council Employees

In October 2010 North Somerset Council awarded a 10 year contract worth over £100m to private companies Agilisys and Liberata to run a number of the Council's support services. The Council said at the time that their aims were to improve Council services, make substantial savings and improve customer satisfaction. UNISON is monitoring the performance of the contract and we would like to know whether you, as an employee of North Somerset Council, feel that the new contract is delivering the promises made by local councillors. Please help us by taking part in this survey - either on-line or return your hard copy to North Somerset UNISON, Town Hall, Weston Super Mare, BS23 1UJ by 30 November 2011

Thank you for your help and support.

Question Title

* 1. I am:

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* 2. I have been employed by North Somerset Council for:

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* 3. I work in the following Council department

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* 4. What is your pay grade?

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* 5. Have you changed your office location since October 2010?

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* 6. If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question (Q.5) which of the following best describes your new office location?

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements

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* 7. "I enjoy my job"

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* 8. "I feel less secure in my job than I did a year ago"

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* 9. Do you use the Council's new Financial Management System (FMS)?

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* 10. If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question (Q.9) please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:

"The new FMS implemented in 2011 is working well and has improved the Council's financial system"

Question Title

* 11. In October 2010 the Council awarded a 10 year contract to Agilisys and the company's sub-contractor Liberata to run a number of the Council's support services. Please state whether, in your opinion and experience the following services have improved or worsened since they were contracted out.

  Much Improved Improved Same Worse Much Worse Don't Know
HR (e.g. recruitment)
Council Contact Centre
Transactional Finance (e.g. Council Tax Collection)
Facilities Management
Print Services

Question Title

* 12. In 2010 North Somerset Councillors were told that contracting out support services would make them "Quicker, Better, and Cheaper". Please indicate below the extent to which, in your opinion, the Council has achieved its aims.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
Services are Quicker
Services are Better
Services are Cheaper

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* 13. List 2 or 3 things that have improved since Agilisys took over the contract to provide the Council's support services

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* 14. List 2 or 3 things that have got worse since Agilisys took over the contract to provide the Councils support services

Please answer the following additional questions about UNISON

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* 15. UNISON does a good job for its members

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* 16. I would like more information from UNISON about how I can become a representative

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* 17. I do not want to become a UNISON representative but would be prepared to recieve information and pass it on to my work colleagues

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* 18. If you wish to make any other comments please add these below