St Michael's Place, Saltisford, Warwick

We are looking to undertake the rescue and sustainable re-use for the buildings at St Michael’s Place, Saltisford, Warwick. The proposal is to convert the existing buildings into affordable housing. As part of the project the site will be landscaped, and we hope to research and capture some of the history of the site to share with future generations.
Please can you support us by engaging in this survey and let us know which activities and opportunities would be of interest to you.
The survey is anonymous, and participation is completely voluntary, you may stop participating at any time. The personal data gathered in this survey will remain confidential, you will not be asked for any mandatory identifiable information. All data provided will be retained in safe and secure conditions in line with our respective GDPR policies. By completing this form you are indicating your consent to take part

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* 1. Do you currently live in Saltisford? YES/NO

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* 2. In 3 words what do you like the most about living here

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* 3. What do you think can be improved in Saltisford?

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* 4. Had you heard of St Michael's Chapel and the Master’s House prior to reading this questionnaire?

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* 5. Do you know where St Michael's Chapel and the Master's House is located in Warwick?

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* 6. We would like to tell you more about the history and heritage of this building and the surrounding area. How would you like to see this information being shared with the public? Tick all that apply.

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* 7. As part of the project we would be holding opportunities for the public to get involved. What activities would you be interested in taking part in?

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* 8. Please tell us what you are happy to be contacted about any of the following (leave your email below, if you are happy to be contacted)

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* 9. If you answered yes to the last question, please share your email address.

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* 10. Do you currently volunteer anywhere?

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* 11. Using 3 words, what does the word HERITAGE mean to you?

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* 12. What is your age?

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* 13. How would you describe your ethnicity?

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* 14. If you have said you would like to volunteer with the project, is there anything that we could do to help support you with that?