2025 Abstract Submission Form - Original Research

1.Abstract Title (please type in capital letters):
2.Primary Author (include name, academic degree, e.g. Jane A. Doe, MD):
3.Co-Authors (include name, academic degree, e.g. Jane A. Doe, MD):
4.Residency Program Name and City (if applicable):
5.Work Phone:
6.Work Email:
7.Presenter's name (person(s) who will make podium presentation or be present at poster during breaks):
8.Presenter (check one - select category based on when research was completed): 
9.Has this abstract been presented previously at a national meeting? 
10.Has this abstract been published or accepted for publication? 
11.Previously Presented/Work in Progress Abstract Category:
12.Research: Was IRB approval sought for this study, and if so what status was received?
13.I attest that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge (enter your initials):
14.Type or paste your abstract in the following fields. A total of 300 words are allowed across all fields.
Hypothesis or Research Question:
16.Methods & Design: