The City of Ceres wants to hear from you on how we can support active modes of travel to improve connectivity and access to high destination areas in the City.  Please help us by providing your input on the survey below.  This should only take you 5 – 10 minutes. Thank you for your time!


Question Title

* 1. Are you interested in increasing active modes of travel in your or your family’s daily life?

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* 2. If YES, what active modes of travel would you use (check all that applies):

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* 3. If NO, what is preventing you from regularly using or increasing your use of active transportation?

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* 4. What routes or destination points would you want to have included?

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* 5. To what extent would any of the following make it more likely that you would RIDE A BIKE in the City to get to destination points?

  Not at all Somewhat likely More likely
Slower vehicle traffic speeds
Creating bike paths that connect to other bike paths
Bike paths separated from vehicle traffic
Better lighting
More information from the City about safe routes

Question Title

* 6. To what extent would any of the following make it more likely that you would CHOOSE TO WALK  in the City to get to destination points?

  Not at all Somewhat likely More likely
Slower vehicle traffic speeds
Install sidewalks where they are missing
Enhance safety at crossings: signage, striping, or large curb returns
Better lighting
More information from the City about safe routes

Question Title

* 7. If the City established a bike and pedestrian routes to connect the following destination points: Downtown Ceres - Smyrna Park - River Bluff Park – Ochoa Park - Would you increase your active mode of travel to the destination area identified and if so, how frequent?

  Daily  Weekly  Monthly NO
Downtown Ceres
Smyrna Park
River Bluff Park School
Ochoa Park