
Kyalite Progress & Recreation Reserve Association are wanting to hear from YOU about YOUR vision for the Kyalite area.
This short survey is asking you to anonymously share your ideas about the future of the Kyalite community in terms of economic, environmental and social progress and our existing key community infrastructure and assets.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the Kyalite Progress & Recreation Reserve Association’s current priority areas from high to low priority based on how important you believe they are for the community

  Low priority Medium priority High priority
Securing a town water supply (for the Kyalite township)
Further development of Kyalite Memorial Park / ANZAC Park AND River Foreshore 
Maintenance and development of Kyalite Community Hall and Recreation Reserve area
Supporting initiatives to increase tourism / visitors to the area 
Provision of a town rubbish service (via a communal skip bin)

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* 2. What must happen to support industrial / agricultural growth for Kyalite and surrounds?

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* 3. What must happen to support events and tourism growth for Kyalite and surrounds?

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* 4. What must happen to support the amenity and social health of Kyalite and surrounds (i.e. to make it a great place to live and visit)?

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* 5. What must happen to support the environmental health of Kyalite and surrounds?

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* 6. Do you have any final thoughts or comments not covered above that are relevant to the future of the Kyalite and Surrounding community?

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* 7. Would you be willing to help with working bees or ongoing maintenance roster of areas such as the river foreshore and the Hall/Rec Reserve?

Thank you for taking the time
to share your ideas with us.
We will share back with
the community everything
we have heard 
through an
information session at the
Kyalite Pub, 7pm
Wednesday 15th December.