Question Title

* 1.
Welcome to Kinky Shepherd, Manchester, NH!

We're so glad to have you!

First things first! Get comfortable! Be you!

Get a beer, a glass of wine, spirit, coffee, water.... whatever your jam is, because this puppy is going to be a fun ride. You've got a lot of cool questions coming up designed to match you with people just like you, who love all the same things you do.  All of the good stuff, none of the bad stuff! Let's have some fun!

Remember, we're building this together, and you're so important! 

So, what's your Fetlife name?

Question Title

* 2.
What is your height?

Question Title

* 3.
What's your age?

Question Title

* 4.
What gender do you identify with?

Question Title

* 5.
What is your body size?

Question Title

* 6.
What is your eye color?

Question Title

* 7.
What is your ethnicity?

Question Title

* 8.
What is your zodiac sign?

Question Title

* 9.
What is your pubic hair situation?

Question Title

* 10.
What is your preferred partner body height?

Question Title

* 11.
What age range are you interested in?

Question Title

* 12.
What genders are you interested in?

Question Title

* 13.
What is your body size preference?

Question Title

* 14.
What is your preferred eye color?

Question Title

* 15.
What ethnicities are you interested in?

Question Title

* 16.
What is your zodiac preference(s)?

Question Title

* 17.
My partner's sign should align with mine.

Question Title

* 18.
What is your pubic hair preference?

Question Title

* 19.
I have piercings on my...

Question Title

* 20.
When it comes to people with piercings I like...

Question Title

* 21.
When it comes to figuring out how my sexcapade will go, I tend to...

Question Title

* 22.
When it comes to confrontation, I tend to...

Question Title

* 23.
If I am no longer interested in another encounter with a person, I will...

Question Title

* 24.
I am comfortable verbally communicating what I want to be done to me or how to improve a sexual encounter.

Question Title

* 25.
I like when people bend the rules a little bit.

Question Title

* 26.
I like sex to be noisy.

Question Title

* 27.
When talking with a future potential partner, I prefer to...

Question Title

* 28.
When joking around...

Question Title

* 29.
I am always honest.

Question Title

* 30.
When it comes to talking... BE HONEST!

Question Title

* 31.
I like eccentric and unpredictable people.

Question Title

* 32.
I prefer people who are...

Question Title

* 33.
Air flow is important to me in a room.

Question Title

* 34.
I care about a tidy living space.

Question Title

* 35.
I tend to run...

Question Title

* 36.
Air Conditioning is a requirement for me.

Question Title

* 37.
I prefer music on during sex.

Question Title

* 38.
When it comes to ambient background noise, I like...

Question Title

* 39.
It's important that I have a real connection with someone.

Question Title

* 40.
It is important to me that I feel like I'm unique and special to the person I am having sex with.

Question Title

* 41.
More honesty time! Help yourself by being truthful!

It is important to me that the other person has an orgasm.

Question Title

* 42.
It is important that I orgasm.

Question Title

* 43.
It is important that I orgasm first.

Question Title

* 44.
I want to have multiple orgasms in a dalliance.


a casual romantic or sexual relationship.
"Jack was not averse to an occasional dalliance with a pretty girl, because Jack was a slut"

Wait, we learned a new word but I think you meant "sexual encounter"

Question Title

* 45.
I want to lead the sex.

No, tell me exactly what to do! I like to mix it up. Yes, this is what we're doing and how we're doing it.
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 46.
When it comes to smoking cigarettes...

Question Title

* 47.
When it comes to smoking marijuana...

Question Title

* 48.
When it comes to using chemicals to enhance sexual encounters...

Question Title

* 49.
If things get awkward...

Question Title

* 50.
When it comes to other people being sweaty...

Question Title

* 51.
I like hairy people.

Question Title

* 52.
When it comes to smells...

Question Title

* 53.
I like to feel...

Question Title

* 54.
I'm interested in...

Question Title

* 55.
When it comes to predictability, I prefer...

Question Title

* 56.
When it comes to doing scary and unexpected things my tolerance for it is...

I'm a total scaredy cat. Let's see where this goes. People should be afraid of me.
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 57.
My role preference is...

Question Title

* 58.
I want to feel appreciated.

Question Title

* 59.
I would like to give control to someone I trust.

Question Title

* 60. I believe anything's possible.

Question Title

* 61.
I am comfortable with people having sex around me.

Question Title

* 62.
It's important to me that I receive compliments on my appearance.

Question Title

* 63.
When it comes to knowing whether or not I did a good job in the sexy sex...

Question Title

* 64.
I need to know before we depart if the person wants to do it again.

Question Title

* 65.
I like to feel vulnerable.

Question Title

* 66.
I would like it if people pushed my boundaries.

Question Title

* 67.
When it comes to being rejected...

Question Title

* 68.
I am okay with embarrassment.

Question Title

* 69.
I am okay with failure.

Question Title

* 70.
I am okay with ridicule.

Question Title

* 71.
I am okay with direct blunt honesty.

Question Title

* 72.
I am okay with shame.

Question Title

* 73.
I am okay with regret.

Question Title

* 74.
If I see someone I would like to talk to, I go up and talk to them.

Question Title

* 75.
I believe that doing something better in the future can change the context of a situation in the past.

Question Title

* 76.
I believe that everyone has a human experience when interacting with another person, and it's up to me to define it as a good one or a bad one.

Question Title

* 77.
I think that my trauma has made me a stronger person.

Question Title

* 78.
When I am scared I am most likely to...

Question Title

* 79.
I like the ideas of secret affairs.

Question Title

* 80.
I want to be degraded and used.

Question Title

* 81.
When it comes to bodily fluids and stuff, I am comfortable/not squeamish with...

Question Title

* 82.
I like to share my secrets with someone I'm intimate with.

Question Title

* 83.
When it comes to chemical enhancers for sex...

Question Title

* 84.
How I feel about penis size...

Question Title

* 85.
I like Roleplay.

Question Title

* 86.
I like ddlg / daddy dom, little girl.

Question Title

* 87.
I like Ropeplay.

Question Title

* 88.
I like Ageplay.

Question Title

* 89.
I like Sadism.

Question Title

* 90.
I like masochism.

Question Title

* 91.
When it comes to feet...

Question Title

* 92.
I like Wax Play.

Question Title

* 93.
I need foreplay before penetration.

Question Title

* 94.
I like my sexual encounters to...

Question Title

* 95.
I like watching people have sex.

Question Title

* 96.
I like bruises.

Question Title

* 97.
I like when people watch me have sex.

Question Title

* 98.
I would like to have sex in public.

Question Title

* 99.
I like being cut.

Question Title

* 100.
I like the thought of people seeing me nude.