Improving the health of the King River


The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is developing a Rehabilitation Plan for the King River. This Plan will use existing and new information to guide future investment in and along the river as it becomes available. Central to developing the plan is capturing community and stakeholder concerns, priorities, and aspirations, for the King River. Engagement of the community and stakeholders in the project is being led by the CMA with support from Water Technology.

We know the King River is an important part of your life, and that it's also important for many different environmental, social, cultural, and economic reasons. That's why we'd love to ehar what you have to say about how we can maintain and improve these values.

The survey consists of 5 questions and should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

It is focussed on understanding what aspects of the health, amenity and recreational use of these waterways are most important to you (your priorities) and which we are most concerned about.

The Rehabilitation Plan will then develop a set of short-, medium-, and long-term actions to address them. The survey closes 30 April 2024.

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Map of Study Area

Map of Study Area

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* Your name

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* Your preferred method of contact

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* Your section of the King River: which part of the King River, or locality is closest to you?

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* Question 1 - What aspects of our waterways are most important to you?

The King River valley is renowned for its environmental values such as forested hillslopes, wide floodplains in the middle of the catchment, and native vegetation along the river which supports a diverse range of native species. Instream, iconic large bodied native fish species, such as Murray Cod, Trout Cod and Golden Perch, are known to exist, and the river also supports recreational exotic species such as Brown and Rainbow Trout. The river channel has a diverse range of features and habitats such as pools, riffles, benches, and bars; flood runners, anabranches, billabongs and wetlands are found along the floodplain. The connection between the river channel and its floodplain has been largely unaffected by flow regulation.

Other key values in the region include agriculture (predominantly beef and dairy cattle grazing), vineyards, food and wine tourism, water-based recreation (e.g. fishing, swimming), camping and the scenic landscapes found throughout the valley. Many rural lifestyle properties are found closer to Wangaratta.

From your experience, which aspects of the King River are most important to you and why? Please enter your top five in the table below, where 1 = most important

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* Question 2 - What aspects of our waterways are you most concerned about?

Sometimes what we love about our waterways can be threatened by other factors. This includes how we use the land around them, and other things like weedy plants and pest animals such as deer or rabbits. Litter, poor water quality runoff, access by cars, or animals damaging the beds and banks may also have an impact.

You may be concerned about fish, or platypus, your favourite fishing spot, wetlands that need looking after, or the quality of water in your favourite swimming hole.

Thinking about the health, together with the commercial, environmental, and recreational use of our waterways, from your experience, what are you most concerned about? Please enter your top five concerns in the table below, where 1 = most concerned about.

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* Question 3 - What would you most like our waterways to be like in the future?

We all have ideas about what our waterways should be like. The Rehabilitation Plan project is our opportunity to work towards making this happen. Thinking about the health, amenity and recreational use of our waterways, what are the top three opportunities / outcomes that you would like the plan to achieve, and by when?

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* Question 4 - where are the things that are of most importance or concern to you located?

If there are specific locations for some or all the things that are most important and of concern to you, please show us where they are located using this online map tool. It is helpful for us to know where some of these locations are so we can make sure we capture these in our rehabilitation plan

Using the online map, please drag and drop as many pins as you need to the desired location(s).
(Entries and notes can also be made on the map below if using a hard copy survey)

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* Question 5 - please tell us about anything else that would help us develop the rehabilitiation plan.

Are there any other matters related to the rehabilitation of the King River that you would like to mention to help us develop an effective rehabilitation plan that meets your expectations?

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