Kawerak Inc. has been awarded funding to complete Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plans (THMP) for communities in the region. Once completed, the THMPs will be submitted to FEMA for review and approval, and then adoption by the community.  Once the adopted plan is approved by FEMA, each Tribe will be eligible to apply for grant funding to protect your community's assets from natural hazards. For more information about mitigation planning, please see FEMA guidance here: http://www.fema.gov/mitigation-planning-laws-regulations-guidance

Fairweather Science, LLC was contracted by Kawerak Inc., to assist the tribes with preparing FEMA approved tribal hazard mitigation plans.

The THMP will:
1. Describe natural hazards that occur in your community.
2. Identify the assets (people and facilities {infrastructure}) within the tribal jurisdiction at risk from natural hazards.
3. Identify and prioritize projects to mitigate the potential damages to infrastructure. 

The purpose of this plan is to inform your community of the vulnerabilities to natural hazards; better plan development within the community; and to enable the jurisdiction to be eligible to apply for grant funding. Those projects prioritized will be pursued for implementation.

Documentation of the planning process and ongoing public participation is a crucial part of this project.

Question Title

* 2. Select which natural hazards affect your community

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* 3. Do you use Subsistence Hunting and Fishing Camps? Kawerak Inc. has identified a priority for this project to identify subsistence hunting and fishing camps and evaluate strategies to protect these critical tribal assets.  If you use a subsistence hunting or fishing camp, please provide an approximate location of the camp, who does the camp belong to, and if known, who owns the land it resides on.  Additional details including any losses from hazard events and the types of facilities/equipment that is used will further help with identifying strategies to protect these assets.

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* 4. What are the critical facilities and infrastructure in your community that you rely upon?

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* 5. If you would like to share any information or stories on historic hazards in your community, add them here (specific information about when the event occurred; how significant {how many feet of flooding, how fast did the wind blow, how many feet of shoreline was lost, etc}; and specific details about loss {were people hurt, were buildings damaged, etc} will help provide details for this hazard mitigation plan.)

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* 6. How was your community affected by the recent storm from the remnants of Typhoon Merbok? 
- How severe was flooding in your community?
- Were any utilities lost?
- What damages occurred in your community? 
- Were there any injuries/fatalities reported in your community?
- Do you have any images of your community during, or after the storm? Please upload them in the link below.

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* 7. Do you have any suggestions for projects to help mitigate impacts from natural hazards?

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* 8. If you have any images of your community that you would like to share, upload them here.
(Please add your contact information below to get credit for your image if it is used in the Plan)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 9. About you (not required)