Thank you for scheduling a consulting call—I love making life easier for agency leaders!

Please take 10-15 minutes to complete this before our call. This saves you money, since I can dive deeper during the billable call itself. (It also helps me better-customize my advice to your Values, Goals, and Resources.)

Anything you share here or otherwise is confidential. Speak soon! –Karl

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* 1. What’s your contact info, so I can match your answers to you?

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* 2. What specific questions do you have for me, to cover in our consulting call? Please put them in priority order (with the most important one first).

The following questions will help me better-tailor my advice to your situation.

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* 3. Why did you start (or join) your agency? How has that matched up to reality?

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* 4. Do you lean toward running a Lifestyle agency (where your goal is to keep running the agency as long as possible, while getting above-market compensation) or an Equity agency (where your goal is to sell it in the next 5 years)? If you’re not sure, check out my article on the topic.

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* 5. If you could wave a magic wand, what’s different 1 year from now? What about 5 years from now?

Thanks for sharing—looking forward to speaking soon! To submit, please click "Send to Karl!" below.