2020 Kannapolis Parks and Recreation Survey

1.Where do you currently reside?
2.What is your age range?
3.How many people currently live in your household, including yourself?
4.How many children under the age of 18 reside in your household?
5.If you have children in your household, what school do they attend?
6.If you have children in your home, what age range are they? Please select all that apply.
7.During free time as a family, what does your household like to do for fun?

(Free time is defined as the time that you spend outside of obligatory activities such as work or school)
8.During free time as an individual, what do you like to do for fun? 

(Free time is defined as the time that you spend outside of obligatory activities such as work or school)
9.In the past 12 months, approximately how many activities, programs, or events has your household participated in with the City of Kannapolis Parks and Recreation?
10.In the past 12 months, what activities, programs, or events have you and your family participated in with the City of Kannapolis Parks and Recreation? Please select all that apply.
11.In the past 12 months, which City facilities or parks have you visited? Please select all that apply.
12.Are you and members of your household able to participate in activities, events, and programs as often as you would like?
13.If you answered no to the previous question, what keeps you and members of your household from participating in more activities, programs, etc?
14.How do you like to receive information about upcoming programs, trips, activities and events? Please select all that apply.
15.What new programs, trips, activities, fitness programs, and/or events would you like to see the City of Kannapolis Parks and Recreation offer in the future?
16.What new amenities would you like to see the City of Kannapolis Parks and Recreation incorporate into our existing or future Parks and Facilities?
17.Please provide any additional comments, feedback, or concerns that you or your household may have regarding the City of Kannapolis Parks and Recreation programs, events, and activities.
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered