Question Title


Question Title

* Thank you for attending CMAA2022! In order to improve the conference and continue to provide you with a beneficial experience, we ask that you complete this evaluation form. The feedback you provide is very important to us and we appreciate your response.

Overall, how would you rate CMAA2022?

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor N/A
Overall Conference Rating

Question Title

* Please rate the following aspects of the Conference:

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor N/A
Location: San Diego
Venue: Marriott Marquis
Exhibit Hall
Quality of Meals and Refreshments
Networking Opportunities
Awards Program
Awards Reception

Question Title

* Please provide your Satisfaction Level for the following Conference Logistics and Communications:

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor N/A
Conference Website
Email Blasts
Online/Advance Registration Process
Check-in Process
Helpfulness of Staff Onsite
Onsite Pocket Guide
Onsite Conference App

Question Title

* How important are the following reasons for attending?

  Very Important Important Neutral Somewhat Important Not Important
Education/Professional Development/CEs
Business Development
Keep up with Industry Trends
Find a Solution to a Specific Issue/Problem

Question Title

* How likely are you to recommend a CMAA conference to a colleague?

Question Title

* Are you currently planning on attending Focus23 March 19-21 in San Antonio?