Application form

* required answers

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Question Title

* 3. I confirm that I am based in the North East of England
(Live Playwriting course is only open to writers who are based in the North East region)

Question Title

* 4. Access needs

Please let us know of any particular needs or requirements that would help you access the sessions so we can ensure you have all the support you need.

Question Title

* 5. Upload an example of your writing

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 6. (Optional) If offered a place on the course, you will be asked to come up with an idea for a 50 minute script you would like to write whilst on it.
If you already have an idea of what this might be, or if you'd just like to give us a rough picture of your style or the sort of thing you usually write about, please feel free to do so here.
Don't worry, this isn't you committing to anything! You're more than welcome to change or evolve your ideas at any point during the process if inspired to do so... many do.

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* 7. Equal Opportunities information

We would be grateful if you could complete the below Equality Monitoring information to help us better understand our artistic community.

The information you have supplied will be kept confidentially and will not be used as part of the selection process. It will only be used to provide an overall profile analysis of our organisation, the opportunities we provide and the creatives we engage with.

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* 8. Ethnicity

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* 9. Age

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* 10. Disability status

Do you identify as a deaf or disabled person, or have a long term health condition?

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* 11. Gender identity

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* 12. Gender assumed to be at birth

Is your gender identity different to that which it was assumed to be at birth?

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* 13. Please tick the description which best describes your sexual orientation:

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* 14. Socio-Economic Background

This is to help us better understand access to arts and culture, and what barriers there may be.

What was the occupation of the main/highest income earner in your household when you were 14? This includes unemployed, retired or unknown if applicable.