1. Welcome!

This is a sample of an assessment questionnaire that can conveniently be used to get a quick impression of the quality of your Board's operations.

Do not complete the tool now; rather, scan the tool and decide if you would like your Board to complete a tool such as this. You might slightly modify the tool, if desired.

If you are interested in using a tool like this, then contact me at carter@authenticityconsulting.com

The results of the assessment can be used by your Board to focus their efforts to improve the Board over the coming year. For example, they might include the results in a "Board Development Plan" that the Board monitors during the coming year.

Use of the tool is quick - it typically takes each Board member about 10 to 15 minutes to complete it. It need not be printed out to complete it.

It's best if each Board member completes the tool on his/her own, rather than together in a group.

No matter how new the member is to the Board, the member should still complete the tool.

The tool includes various questions/statements. Each statement is about a particular important activity in high-performing Boards.

Next to each statement are four choices in regard to how well the organization performs the activity described in that statement, including choices of “Met,” “Needs Work,” “Not Applicable,” and “Don’t Know.”

After reading each statement, the Board member places an on-line check mark by clicking your mouse under the one choice that indicates how well the Board performs that activity.

When a Board member has completed the tool, then he/she just clicks on DONE at the end of the tool.

Again, if you would like to use this tool "as is" or slightly modified for your Board, please contact me at carter@authenticityconsulting.com

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Please identify yourself. (Your information will NOT be shared with anyone.)

Question Title

* 2. GOVERANCE (BOARD) -- The following indicators are in regard to ensuring a high-quality Board of Directors.

  Met Needs Work Not Applicable Don't Know
a. The roles of the Board, Committees, Chief Executive Officer and senior staff are specified and respected. (E)
b. The Chief Executive Officer is recruited, selected, employed and evaluated by the Board of Directors. The Board provides clearly written expectations and qualifications for the CEO position, as well as reasonable compensation. (R)
c. The Board conducts succession planning to replace the CEO in the event of the CEO's leaving the organization. (R)
d. The Board of Directors ensures that the nonprofit regularly conducts strategic planning that results in clear mission and goals to meet needs in the community. (R)
e. The status of implementation of the strategic plan is monitored regularly during the year. (R)
f. Potential new Board members are identified during the year as part of the Board's succession planning. (R)
g. The Board's nominating process ensures that the Board remains appropriately diverse with respect to representation of programs, gender, ethnicity, culture, economic status, disabilities, skills and/or expertise. (R)
h. The Board members receive regular training about the legal roles and responsibilities of any nonprofit governing Board and, thus, understand their roles and responsibilities (note that training is not the same as orientation – see next question). (E)
i. New Board members are oriented to the unique aspects of the nonprofit, including its mission, bylaws, policies and programs. (E)
j. Board organization is documented with a description of the Board and Board committee responsibilities. (R)
k. Each Board member has a Board operations manual and is aware of its contents. (A)
l. The organization has at least the minimum number of members on the Board of Directors as required by their bylaws, federal statute and/or state/provincial statute. (E)
m. The bylaws conform to federal and state statutes and have been reviewed by legal counsel. (R)
n. The bylaws describe: a) how and when notices for Board meetings are made; b) how members are elected/appointed by the Board; c) what the terms of office are for officers/members; d) how Board members are rotated; e) how ineffective Board members are removed from the Board; and f) a stated number of Board members to make up a quorum which is required for all policy decisions. (R)
o. The Board of Directors reviews the bylaws annually. (R)
p. The Board has a process for handling urgent matters between meetings. (A)
q. Board members serve without payment unless the agency has a policy identifying reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses. (E)
r. The organization maintains a conflict-of-interest policy and all Board members and executive staff review and/or sign to acknowledge and comply with the policy. (R)
s. The Board has an annual calendar of meetings, which specifies, e.g., when to do retreats, evaluation of the CEO, strategic planning, approval of the budget, update of policies, etc., and the calendar is followed closely. (R)
t. The Board also has an attendance policy which is followed closely. (R)
u. Each Board meeting has a written agenda and the materials relating to significant decisions are given to the Board members in advance of the meeting. (A)
v. Board meetings are focused and substantive and result in relevant and realistic decisions. (R)
w. Board decisions are implemented on a timely basis, or if not, the Board if apprised and modifies the decisions as needed. (R)
x. The Board sets fundraising goals and is actively involved in fundraising. (E)
y. All Board members contribute financially to the organization. (A)
z. Board members understand and monitor the financial status of the organization, including by approving fiscal policies and procedures and by approving an annual budget. (E)
aa. Board members ensure that programs / services are evaluated for high-quality and results. (E)
bb. Board members ensure equitable, fair and legal employment practices including by formally approving up-to-date personnel policies and by ensuring those policies are followed.
cc. All Board members actively and consistently participate in Board activities. (E)
dd. All Board Committees are active and attend to each of their Committee work plans. (R)

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* 3. What is the most important priority for the Board to address over the next 12 months?

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* 4. What is the second most important priority for the Board to address over the next 12 months?

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* 5. What is the third most important priority for the Board to address over the next 12 months?

Question Title

* 6. What is the fourth most important priority for the Board to address over the next 12 months?

Thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! Please review your answers and make any changes you desire.

If you're satisfied with your answers, we encourage you to print your completed questionnaire (using the "Print" command in the "File" menu of your internet browser).

When you click on "Done," you will be taken to our firm's extensive amount of free information about Boards.

Thank you!