Please complete the form to submit the material of your water service line.

The "Survey Area" shown below is the portion of the Customer-Owned Service Line Material the District is requesting information about. This is a typical water service (may vary at your specific location). If you need assistance with any part of this survey or have questions, please call our office at 360-373-9508 and we would be happy to assist. Please note: Only complete surveys submitted by 6/15/25 will be eligible for the $10 bill credit.

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Phone Number

Question Title

* 4. Property Address

Question Title

* 5. Account Number - Please enter the account number found on your water bill.

Question Title

* 6. Type of Occupancy - Are you the Owner or Renter/Tenant?

Based on the appearance, testing, or existing records, please select the appropriate material of your water service line. Identification of the water service line material can be done by digging in the area directly behind your water meter box and locating the water service line or similarly by locating the water service line at the entrance to your home or building. The service line must be found by digging in either location. The exposed line where the pipe enters the home through a basement wall or floor is most likely a different material than the buried service line and would be considered interior plumbing. If you need assistance determing your meter location, please reach out to the district. We would be more than willing to send a technician out to assist with locating.

Question Title

* 7. Water Service Line Material

Question Title

* 8. Source of Information (Select all that apply)

Please provide the install date of your water service line. If you do not know the install date, please provide the year the home or building was built.

Question Title

* 9. Water Service Line Install Date

Question Title

* 10. Service Line Size or approximate Diameter

Question Title

* 11. To the best of your knowledge, has your water service line ever been replaced?

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* 12. If so, when? If unsure of actual date, please enter an approximate date.

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* 13. Does the interior plumbing of your home or building contain copper pipes?

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* 14. Comments/Other Information - Any additional information you would like to share that will help us in identifying your service line.

Please provide a photo of your water service line. Credit will only be applied to accounts that upload a photo.

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* 15. Add a photo

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 16. Date Survey Completed


Question Title

* 17. If you can't provide the requested information but will allow North Perry Avenue Water District staff to visually inspect your water service line to receive the bill credit, please type your name below. (This may involve some digging at or near the meter box location to determine the water service line material)