How do you Self-Identify? (Based upon KYL/D's Home Season audience surveys) Question Title * 1. How do you self identify? Check as many as apply: Spiritual seeker Parent Grad student Undergrad student Professional Retired Female Museum goer LGBTQ World Traveler Health nut Sports fan Male Educator Asian/Pacific Islander Scholar Part-time worker Artist Dance fan Black/African American Old fart Fitness buff Hispanic/Latino/a A people person Nature lover Mixed race Bread-winner Millennial White/Caucasian Mad scientist Entrepreneur Office drone Gamer Baby Boomer Gen X Gen Y Native American Activist Volunteer Healer Contemporary art fan Singer Martial artist Philosopher Military Meditator Creator Gender fluid Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Have you experienced a KYL/D performance? Yes No Question Title * 3. Are you interested in learning more about the Faith Project? Yes No Please share your name and email address so we can keep you informed of upcoming activities such as our public work-in-progress showings! Done