1.What is your age range?
2.Which of the following best describes your occupation?
3.How did you first hear about Lust Minerals?
4.What attracted you to subscribe to our email list?
5.How frequently do you engage with the emails we send you?
6.What type of content would you find most valuable in emails?
7.Do you follow us on any other platforms? Please select all that apply.
8.Which part of our range interests you the most?
9.What motivated you to consider our brand/product?
10.Have you interacted with our brand and/or products before? If yes, how?
11.What are your initial thoughts or impressions about our products/brand?
12.What features or aspects of our products are most appealing to you?
13.Whats your biggest concern or hesitation when thinking about purchasing our products?
14.Did you know we offer 1 on 1 colour matching services and have a free virtual, shade try on feature available meaning you can try the shade on from the comfort of your own home?
15.What would encourage you to make your first purchase with us?
16.Are there any specific questions you have or information you need before making a purchase decision, and if so what are they?
17.Are there any specific products or services you're interested in but haven't found in our offerings?
18.Is there anything we could do to improve your experience with our brand or product?
19.On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to make a purchase in the near future? 1 being not likely at all and 10 being very likely.
Current Progress,
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