Survey to help deepen our faith and strengthen our parish community.

Please complete this survey to help us understand ways in which we can grow as a missionary parish, and in our own individual spirituality, so that in becoming better Catholics, we can better present Christ to others.

This is an anonymous survey, with the primary aim of understanding parishioner experience and views in general.

However, if you would like to be identified, there is an option at the end.

Question Title

* 1. With respect to life as a parishioner at Caroline Springs, how satisfied are you with the various aspects of Sunday (or Saturday Vigil) Mass?

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you in general with:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
The sense of God within the Mass
The sermons
Liturgical aspects
Community social gatherings after Mass
Level of welcome and hospitality at Mass

Question Title

* 3. How easily will you be able to list all the Ministries that currently exist and social events that occur through the year in the parish?

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied are you with opportunities to get to know other parishioners and strengthen community?

Question Title

* 5. How frequently would you be interested in joining parish social gatherings at our parish, such as a 'cuppa' or BBQ after the weekend Mass, or the annual Carols event?

Question Title

* 6. How much of a sense of belonging do you have at the parish?

Question Title

* 7. What aspects will increase this sense of belonging? (Tick as many as applicable)

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following aspects do you consider critical in becoming an authentic Catholic?

Question Title

* 9. How effectively does the Parish help you become a better Catholic?

Question Title

* 10. How often would you go to Mass? How often would members of your family go?

  Every week More than once a month Once a month Twice a year (Christmas and Easter) When I feel I need to (irregular) Never
Adults in the family
Young adults in the family(18+)
Teenagers in the family

Question Title

* 11. How often would you go to the Sacrament of Reconcilliation? How often would members of your family go?

  More than once a month Once a month Twice a year (Christmas and Easter) When I feel I need to (irregular) Never
Adults in the family
Young adults in the family(18+)
Teenagers in the family

Question Title

* 12. How often would you say the Rosary? How often would say the Rosary as a family?

  Everyday More than once a month Once a month Twice a year (Christmas and Easter) When I feel I need to (irregular) Never
On my own
With family

Question Title

* 13. How interested will you be to engage in the following
activities aimed specifically at growing in knowledge of our faith?

  Alpha course aimed at deepening our existing Catholic faith Q&A evening session on Catholic beliefs with a panel to answer questions (questions can be asked Book club to read and discuss key Catholic literature Bible study group with an expert on Old and New Testaments A local GodStart program (Archdiocese of Melbourne runs one in the city) Another idea (list below)
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Interested but cannot find the time
Not interested

Question Title

* 14. As with any community, the input and help of each member contributes to it thriving. How much weekly volunteer time would you be willing to commit in 2023 to help our parish? (This is only a general question - you are not committing to this!)

Question Title

* 15. On average roughly, currently, how much time do you help out in our parish per week?

Question Title

* 16. Please write any thoughts/comments about how we can better serve you as a parish

Question Title

* 17. Please write any thoughts/comments about any other struggles you are facing with living out your Catholic faith. From your family experience, identify one reason members of your family are not coming to Mass

Question Title

* 18. Other comments/suggestions

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our parish survey. Your responses help shape what we do to grow in faith, together.

While this is an anonymous survey, if you would like to be identified in this survey or would like to have a priest reach out to you, please include contact details below.

The survey is open from the 1 February and will close after the 19 February COB. Please encourage others in the parish to complete the survey. General findings will be announced at Mass and posted online and on the noticeboard on the 12 March.

Question Title

* 19. Please include your name and phone number below if you wish to be identified (optional)

100% of survey complete.