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Following is a short, anonymous Talent Trends survey, the results of which will be used to advise business leaders as to the real factors underlying career decisions currently being made by workers and those about to enter the workforce.

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* 1. Please select the age group with which you most closely identify

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* 2. Please select the gender with which you most closely identify

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* 3. Approximately how long have you been with your current employer?

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* 4. What is your current level of interest in seeking other employment?

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* 5. Please rank from Most (1) to Least Important (8) the following factors in your decision to stay or change jobs. You may drag and drop or use the arrows to place the items in order.

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* 6. Please rank from Most (1) to Least Important (8) the importance of the following considerations when deciding to accept a job offer. You may drag and drop or use the arrows to place the items in order.

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* 7. Have you, (or would you consider) hiring a coach to assist you in navigating the job change process?

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* 8. How likely is it that, within 2 years you will be promoted to a more responsible role at your present employer?

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* 9. Has your manager spoken with you about your career interests/plans in the last year?

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* 10. Are you presently participating in any job skill development sponsored by your current employer?

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* 11. When was the last time you learned something significant at work?

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* 12. How important is a prospective employer’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in evaluating where you choose to work?

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* 13. How important is a potential employer’s commitment to Environmentalism, Social responsibility, and good Governance in evaluating where you choose to work?

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* 14. In 15 words or less, describe one thing your manager should be commended for:

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* 15. In 15 words or less, describe one thing you wish your manager would START or STOP doing:

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* 16. NOTE: If you would like to be entered into a drawing to win one free hour of coaching on job interview skills (candidate-side), enter your email here. Your email will not be used for any other purpose.

The Cow Guys

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