Question Title

* 1. Scholarly Content: For each portion of the summer school, please rank how useful it was for you

  Made me more confused Not helpful Neutral Helpful Extremely helpful
Choice of Topics
Level of Discussions

Question Title

* 2. Logistics: Please rank the logistical arrangements

  Poor Acceptable Good Excellent
Physical meeting spaces

Question Title

* 3. Format:

  Does not matter to me Not good for me Acceptable/Appropriate Good
Timing of the school (time of year)
Duration of the school

Question Title

* 4. Relevance: Please answer the following about how relevant the school was for you.

  Not applicable Not relevant at all Somewhat relevant Relevant Highly relevant
Relevance for your research
General usefulness

Question Title

* 6. Please tell us your gender

Question Title

* 7. Please tell us your ethnicity/heritage or country of origin. Check all that apply

Question Title

* 8. Please tell us what type of department/graduate program you are from. Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. Please tell us the year you entered graduate school.

Question Title

* 11. If you would like, please tell use your name: