Exit Group Activities Question Title * 1. What is your age? 17 or younger 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or older Question Title * 2. What kind of group activities or experiences would interest you? Skiing Fishing Hiking Card or board games Camping Road trips Life skills: basic vehicle maintenance Life skills: basic home maintenance Life skills: filing taxes 21st birthday pub crawl with a trustworthy, sober chaperone Social skills Driving a manual transmission Tutoring Attending Events (like sporting or concerts) Golf Team sports (baseball, softball, football, soccer, ultimate frisbee, etc.) Disc Golf Social Dancing or lessons (Swing, Ballroom, Country, etc) Ice skating Roller skating Group trips to Seattle or Portland attractions Long distance group travel (National Parks, East/West cities, London, Europe, etc) Book club Life skills: Basic cooking Life skills: Basic housework (Cleaning, Laundry, bed making, etc) Life skills: Going to the Barber Life skills: Male Formal dress (suits and ties) Life skills: General hygiene tips (male) Defensive driving Life skills: Shaving (male) Life skills: Basic Plant and Pet care Life skills: Reading comprehension and self-education Life skills: Money Management (Budgets) Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. I would like to help with one or more activities listed, or offer something else. Yes - I want to help No - I just want to attend Question Title * 4. If Yes, please provide a list of the activities you would like to help with: Done