VTS 2022 Membership Survey

Welcome to the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Membership Survey

We're interested in learning about your experience as a member of IEEE VTS. You will be offered a digital Visa gift card for completing this survey.

The information we collect from you is meant for internal use only and will not be shared with 3rd parties.
1.IEEE Region(Required.)
2.IEEE Current Grade(Required.)
3.Please enter your IEEE member number.

Your member number allows us to confirm that you are a member of IEEE VTS.
4.For approximately how many years have you been a member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS)?(Required.)
5.Which one of the following technical interests best correlates with your PRIMARY reason for joining VTS?(Required.)
6.Which one of the following technical interests best correlates with your SECONDARY reason for joining VTS
7.What are your primary reasons for joining and maintaining your membership in VTS?(Required.)
8.How satisfied are you with VTS in meeting your needs with regard to your primary reasons for joining and maintaining membership?(Required.)
9.Please explain why you were less than satisfied.
10.Have you been contacted by the VTS Society (the international society, not a chapter), for any reason, in the past 12 months?(Required.)
11.The VTS Mobile World e-newsletter is send to all members once per month and contains news from the society and its technical fields of interest. Over the past 12 months, how many of these 12 issues did you read?(Required.)
12.How much of a typical issue of the VTS Mobile World e-newsletter do you read or look through?(Required.)
13.VT Magazine is published four times per year and contains articles about the three technical fields of interest to VTS members, as well as conference and membership information. Over the past 12 months, how many of these 4 issues did you receive?(Required.)
14.Now, please consider the VTS publications: Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vehicular Technology Magazine, and Open Journal of Vehicular Technology. How many of the last 4 issues have you read or looked through?(Required.)
0 of 4
1 of 4
2 of 4
3 of 4
4 of 4
Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Vehicular Technology Magazine
Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
15.How much of a typical issue do you read or look through?(Required.)
About a quarter
About half
About three-quarters
All or almost all
Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Vehicular Technology Magazine
Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
16.How valuable do you find each of the following VTS publications to your job and your career?(Required.)
1 Very poor value
5 Very good value
Do not know/Not applicable
Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Vehicular Technology Magazine
Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
17.How active are you in your VTS local chapter?(Required.)
18.How valuable do you find participation in your VTS local chapter to your career?(Required.)
19.If you are not active in your local VTS chapter, why not?(Required.)
20.Have you been contacted by your local VTS chapter, for any reason, in the past 12 months?(Required.)
21.In what manner (if any) would you prefer to be contacted by your local VTS chapter?(Required.)
22.Whether you are active in a local chapter or not, how important to you and your career are each of the following activities?(Required.)
1 Not at all important
5 Very important
Do not know/Not applicable
Social events for informal "networking" with peers
Meetings with internationally recognized speakers/presenters
Meetings with interesting local speakers/presenters
Meetings with members to exchange technical ideas among themselves
Meetings with tutorial/educational and technical content
Meetings for members to discuss Vehicular Technology Society issues
Meetings for members to plan Vehicular Technology Society activities
23.Which of the following VTS Conferences (VTC, VPPC) have you personally attended in the past 3 years?(Required.)
24.What are your primary reasons for attending VTS Conferences?(Required.)
25.How valuable do you find attendance at VTS Conferences to your job and your career?(Required.)
26.Why have you NOT attended a VTS conference in-person in the past 3 years?(Required.)
27.How likely are you to attend a VTS conference in-person in the next 2 years?(Required.)
28.Which of the following other conferences have you personally attended?(Required.)
29.The VTS has several Technical Committees, which provide a source of technical and professional advice in a particular field of interest and provide assistance to other entities of the IEEE. Prior to this survey, were you aware of any VTS Technical Committees?(Required.)
30.Have you ever served on a VTS Technical Committee?(Required.)
31.If you answered Yes to Question 30, how valuable do (or did) you find serving on a VTS Technical Committee to your job and your career?
32.In your opinion, how valuable to the field of vehicular technology are the VTS Technical Committees?(Required.)
33.The VTS has several endowments which award scholarships and fellowships to students in the fields of interest. Prior to this survey, were you aware of this VTS scholarship/fellowship program?(Required.)
34.In your opinion, how valuable to the field of vehicular technology is the VTS scholarship/fellowship program?(Required.)
35.Listed below are the major benefits of VTS membership. How important is each to you?(Required.)
1 Not at all important
5 Very important
VTS publications (VT Magazine, Transactions on Vehicular Technology)
VTS local chapters
VTS Conferences
VTS Technical Committees
VTS Scholarship/Fellowship program
36.How satisfied are you with the job IEEE VTS is doing in each area?(Required.)
1 Not at all satisfied
5 Very satisfied
Do not know/Not applicable
VTS publications (VT Magazine, Transactions on Vehicular Technology)
VTS local chapters
VTS Conferences
VTS Technical Committees
VTS Scholarship/Fellowship program
37.Overall, how satisfied are you with your VTS membership?(Required.)
38.How much do you agree or disagree that VTS membership is a good value for the price?(Required.)
39.How likely is it that you will renew your membership to VTS next time it comes due?(Required.)
40.In what ways, if any, could VTS most improve the value it provides to its members?
41.How interested would you be in VTS programs and publications devoted to the following areas of vehicle technology?(Required.)
1 Not at all interested
5 Very interested
Navigation and infortainment
Safety and security
Propulsion and hybrid technology
Vehicle control systems
V2X (vehicle to vehicle infrastructure)
Autonomous, connected, and electric vehicles
UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)
B5G and 6G mobile communications
42.What other IEEE societies and other professional organizations do you currently belong to?(Required.)
43.Generally speaking, how do you rate IEEE VTS compared to these other societies or organizations?(Required.)
44.What one option most closely matches your job function/title?(Required.)
45.How likely is it that you would recommend VTS membership to a colleague?(Required.)
46.What is your age?(Required.)
47.Are you connected with IEEE VTS on the following social media platforms?(Required.)
48.If you have any other comments or suggestions, please add them here.
49.We have a gift for you! Enter your information below to receive a digital Visa gift card from IEEE VTS.

Please enter your first name.
50.Please enter your email address.
You are in control of the personal data you provide to us. You can contact us at any time to have your information changed or deleted. You can find the full IEEE Privacy Policy here.
51.Would you like to receive news and updates from IEEE VTS via email?