Question Title

* 1. What best describes you?

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* 2. Have you read the UN CRPD draft state report? (found here) If no, go to Question 6

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* 3. How accurate do you believe the state report is?

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* 4. What would you add to the state report?

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* 5. What would you change in the report?

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* 6. How well do you think Ireland is doing in the following areas?

  Very well Well Somewhat well Not very well Not well at all
a. Writing disability polic and legislation
b. Putting written policy and legislation into action
c. Providing sufficient funding and resources for disability

Question Title

* 7. How well do you think Ireland is supporting people with disabilities in the following areas?

  Very well Well Somewhat well Not very well Not well at all
Access to disability support services
Access to mainstream services
Social Protection
To advocate for themselves
Support for living independently

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* 8. What are three positive changes Ireland has made for people with disabilities in the last five years?

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* 9. What are the top three areas you think Ireland has not done enough on?

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* 10. Over the next five years, which of these issues do you think is the most important for Ireland to focus on (choose up to three)

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* 11. Are there any areas of the UN CRPD you would be interested in training on?

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* 12. Do you have any other comments?