Please select the 2021-2023 NBS Board of Trustees from those nominated below. See current issue of The Asylum or visit for nominee bios.

Please also select one article for each award on this ballot in order to cast your vote for the two Numismatic Bibliomania Society author awards: the Joel J. Orosz Award for best article of the year in The Asylum and the Jack Collins Award for the best article by a first-time author in The Asylum.

One ballot may be submitted per NBS member. Ballots must be received by June 30, 2021 to be counted.

Question Title

* 1. NBS President (Vote for One)

Question Title

* 2. NBS Vice President (Vote for One)

Question Title

* 3. NBS Treasurer/Secretary (Vote for One)

Question Title

* 4. NBS Trustees (Vote for Seven)

Question Title

* 5. Jack Collins Award : Best article by a first-time author in 2020

Question Title

* 6. Joel J. Orosz Award : Best Article of 2020