Tell Us About Your Experience with Coronavirus Question Title * 1. How worried are you about coronavirus? 0 Virus Schmirus Holding steady, for now 100 The friggin' sky is falling Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 2. Have you been diagnosed with coronavirus? Yes No Question Title * 3. Have you been exposed to anyone with coronavirus? Yes Not that I know of. Question Title * 4. Has anyone you know been diagnosed with coronavirus? Yes No Question Title * 5. Do you have a compromised immune system? Yes No Question Title * 6. Does anyone close to you have a compromised immune system? Yes No Question Title * 7. What precautions are you taking to protect yourself and your loved ones? Check all that apply. Wearing a mask in public Avoiding large gatherings, including movie theaters and church services Not eating out Working from home Not taking public transportation, including airplanes Washing my hands religiously Stocking up on hand sanitizer Avoiding hand shakes and hugs Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Are you washing your hands and using hand sanitizer more often? No, just about normal amount Yes, slightly more often Yes, much more often Question Title * 9. What about the current situation makes you most nervous? Check only one. Getting sick and/or dying Someone close to me getting sick and/or dying An economic collapse Impact on my job or personal financial situation The loss of normalcy The added stress as I go through the day Question Title * 10. If you work, has your employer asked you to work from home? Yes No Not applicable Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. If you have kids, have their schools been closed or moved to online classes? Yes No Not applicable Question Title * 12. Have you canceled a business trip or vacation because of coronavirus? Yes No Question Title * 13. Have any events in your community or circle of friends been canceled? Yes No Question Title * 14. If so, which events have been canceled? Check all that apply Church services Local government meetings Parties Weddings Civic meetings Business conferences Bridge clubs, book clubs or the like Theater events Art shows and openings Music events Fairs or festivals Nothing cancelled Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. How hard is it for you to not touch your face? 0 I'm a rock star at not touching my face It's difficult but I'm doing OK not touching 100 Damn! I just touched it Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 16. What questions do you have about cornonavirus? We will present them to experts and write an article in the future centered around answers to the most prevalent questions. Question Title * 17. What else do you want to tell us about your experience with or feelings about coronavirus? Question Title * 18. If you would be willing to be quoted in or interviewed for our story, please give us your name and email. Name Email Address Done