All records will be kept strictly confidential. All data collected will be stored electronically on a secured drive at Vancouver Island University. Only the principal investigator and the research supervisors will have access. Consent forms and data collected will be kept on this secured drive until December 2029, at which point all unaggregated data will be destroyed. This specific research project is estimated to be completed by April 2023, but aggregated data may be kept for future research purposes.
The results of this research will be written in a final report, presented at academic conferences, and submitted for publication in an academic journal. The products of this research will include only aggregate data, rather than individual information.
The risk to participants is low however, the research team has included a list of resources on the last page of this document that is both general and injured-worker-specific for participants to access should they feel the need to seek support after taking part in the survey. If a question in the survey causes too much discomfort or distress, participants are welcome to refrain from responding to it, and either continue with the survey or withdraw participation.
If you have concerns about the ethical conduct of this study, please contact the Vancouver Island University Research Ethics Board at or (250) 740-6631. If you wish to have a copy of this form for your records, please feel free to screenshot or print this page.
If you have any questions or concerns about the research at any time during your participation, please do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator or the research supervisor. Please see the resources below.