Submission Deadline EXTENDED TO August 26, 2022

Thank you for your interest in the Living Donation Week 2022 National Pitch Competition sponsored by the Ajmera Transplant Centre at UHN and CDTRP - The Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program. 
There is no cost to attend or participate. All you need is a great idea, a  phone or computer to record your 2-4 minute pitch, and a reliable internet connection if your submission is shortlisted for the live pitch competition.  

Submissions are open to Canadian fellows, trainees and students. You do not have be affiliated with CDTRP or the Ajmera Transplant Centre to participate.
The winning entries will be selected during the #LDW2022 Pitch Competition Q&A Session to be livestreamed on YouTube on Friday September 16, starting at 12 noon Eastern. 

A minimum of $25K will be awarded. Trainees affiliated with a Canadian university, research centre or transplant program will be eligible for:
  • awards of up to $10K to help cover research costs 
  • mentorship and support from our distinguished faculty of educators, transplant researchers, and kidney and liver disease specialists. 
An independent panel will evaluate submissions based on 5 criteria:
  1. Importance  – is the topic timely? Does it address an unmet need or gap in knowledge, care or education? Is it a priority for living kidney or living liver donation or transplantation?
  2. Contribution  –  does the project or research advance our understanding of the topic? Is it new or innovative? Could the findings lead to significant improvements in access to needed services, patient care, or living donor experience?
  3. Clarity – Is the research or proposed project presented in an engaging way? Is it described clearly and succinctly? Is there a logical link between research question/goals, methods/ activities and findings/outcomes?
  4. Feasibility – Are limitations and implications well described? Is the workplan reasonable/doable? Are potential barriers addressed? Are sustainability and replicability considered?
  5. Popular Support – video submissions and project summaries will be posted on the Centre for Living Organ Donation's  YouTube Channel starting August 22. Participants are strongly encouraged to promote their project to colleagues and friends. YouTube Likes will be taken into account in the shortlisting process and the final score. The top voted video pitch will automatically receive a wildcard spot in the live Pitch Competition.
Submissions to the Canada-wide #LDW21 Pitch Competition are due Wednesday, August 17, 2022. 

To view projects shortlisted for last year's competition, click here.

For more information on #LDW2022 please visit

If you have questions, or would like to discuss video or presentation logistics with a member of the organizing team, please email

An information session for prospective applicants was held on July 20, 2022. Slides are available here.

Question Title

* 1. YES! I would like to participate in this year's #LDW2022 Pitch Competition.

Question Title

* 2. Project / Poster Title & Author(s) to be published in LDW Program

Question Title

* 3. Short description of your project (2-3 sentences for Living Donation Week Program)

Question Title

* 4. Person to contact for more information

Question Title

* 5. Principal Investigator / Person Eligible to Receive Research Funds (if different from Q4 - Contact Person)

Question Title

* 6. Please save your 2-4 minute video pitch to Google Drive, Dropbox or other shareable location and insert the link below with permission to download it. Click to view shortlisted pitches in 2021 and 2020 competitions.

Question Title

* 7. Attach backgrounder document (up to 500 words) explaining your study or project and why it merits attention and resources. Content should address competition criteria. This information will be posted online with your video pitch.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.

Question Title

* 8. Attach optional social media graphic for promotional purposes

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

Question Title

* 9. Attach optional lead author headshot or team picture with permission to use for promotional purposes

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

Question Title

* 10. Attach brief biosketches of team members (max 1 paragraph per author/presenter). Indicate which team members would be participating in the Live Pitch competition if your project is shortlisted.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.

Question Title

* 11. Questions or Comments