Help Shape the Future of Arizona’s Transportation System, TODAY!

Thank you for participating in the Interstate 11 (I-11) Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement Public Scoping process by completing this survey. Public Scoping is a time for our team to learn from the community prior to embarking on the environmental study. We need your input on what transportation problems you experience today, how to solve these problems in the future, and what you feel is important within the I-11 Corridor Study Area. You may view the Corridor Study Area Map at

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* 1. Please provide your name (optional)

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* 2. E-mail address (optional)

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* 3. What is your address? (optional)

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* 4. Home ZIP Code (required)

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* 5. Please tell us what problems you experience today, or anticipate in the future, related to transportation in the Corridor Study Area that the I-11 project could address. Please rank the following in order of importance to you. (1= highest ranking [most important], 5=lowest ranking [least important]).  You may view the Corridor Study Area Map at

  1 (most important) 2 3 4 5 (least important)
Relieve local congestion, improve travel time and reliability (reduce how long a trip will take or ensure certainty of travel time)
Relieve regional congestion, improve travel time and reliability (between Southern and Northwestern Arizona)
Improve freight travel and reliability, reducing bottlenecks on existing highways
Improve local access to communities and resources (parks, recreation, and tourism)
Need for a different transportation mode than what exists today
Support homeland security and national defense needs

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* 6. What should I-11 be or accommodate within the Corridor. Please rank the following in order of importance to you. (1= highest ranking [most important], 5=lowest ranking [least important]). You may view the Corridor Study Area Map at

  1 (most important) 2 3 4 5 (least important)
New highway/freeway
Combination of new and existing highway/freeway
Enhance or expand existing highway/freeway
Accommodate rail within corridor alternatives
Accommodate utilities within corridor alternatives (for example: electric, fiber optic, communications)
Accommodate rail and utilities within corridor alternatives

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* 7. The study will evaluate and consider the potential impacts on many human environmental factors. Please rank the following. (1= highest ranking [most important], 5=lowest ranking [least important]):

  1 (most important) 2 3 4 5 (least important)
Neighborhoods, diverse communities, and residences
Economic development and growth
Land use
Public parks and recreation

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* 8. The study also will evaluate and consider the potential impacts on many natural environmental factors. Please rank the following. (1= highest ranking [most important], 5=lowest ranking [least important]):

  1 (most important) 2 3 4 5 (least important)
Air quality
Biological resources (for example: plants, wildlife and habitats)
Geology/fissures, soils, and farmland
Hazardous materials
Historic structures and archaeological sites
Noise and vibration
Visual and aesthetics
Water resources (for example: rivers, washes, floodplains and drainage)

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* 9. Identify the areas or resources within the Corridor Study Area that you feel must be avoided or are important to consider. You may view the Corridor Study Area Map at

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* 10. How do you prefer to receive information?

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* 11. Additional Comments:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and providing our team valuable feedback. During the next several months, the Study team will analyze your comments and incorporate your ideas and preferences when identifying solutions (known as corridor alternatives) to address the needs of the I-11 Corridor. Once the draft corridor alternatives have been identified, the public will be asked to provide feedback on the proposed solutions. This next round of public participation is anticipated in early 2017. Thank you for your continued interest in the I-11 Study.