Course Information

Risk Management of Productions // Tuesday 22 October 2024 // 10:00-16:00 // Glasgow
Designed to give you a broad overview of the health, safety and environmental issues to be considered when making programmes or films.

The course will explain why risk management is needed in production and give practical methods of how it should be tackled. Providing a broad overview of the risk management issues to be considered during the making of programmes, including hazard identification, risk assessment, and good health, safety and environmental management.

Participants will have the opportunity to:
- analyse and discuss the risk management techniques used on production;
- apply risk management principles using real-life case studies;
- discuss good health and safety management on location.

This course is part of the Production Safety Passport (PSP). Upon completion of this course you will gain a PSP certificate via the ScreenSkills website which is valid for 5 years.

Who is this course for?
This course is for freelance film & TV practitioners based in Scotland, and will be of most benefit to those who manage people, safety on production, and/or complete/approve risk assessments - in particular 1st, 2nd and 3rd AD's; Production Managers and Coordinators; and Heads of Departments.

This course will be delivered by Mairi Ritchie of First Option. First Option are the largest, most experienced safety consultants to the media and entertainment industry. Mairi Ritchie as well as working as a Health & Safety consultant in film and television for many years, Mairi has worked in production since 1998 first in STV Outside Broadcast and then at BBC Drama, Scotland. Mairi has a Master of Arts in Sociology, a NEBOSH General Certificate and is a Tech member of IOSH. In addition to media, she has worked in safety in the transport sector.


This session is specifically for established film and television practitioners based in Scotland. Please only apply if you meet this criteria. BECTU opportunities for those in other areas of the UK can be found here:
England, Wales.
  • Applicants should be based and working freelance in film and television in Scotland.
  • We're targeting practitioners working in scripted production for this course.
  • Students are not eligible for this training.

  • As this is a workshop style course, there are a limited number of spaces available to allow participants the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
  • Priority for spaces will be given to eligible BECTU members.
  • If more BECTU members apply than spaces available, places will be given to those who demonstrate the greatest professional need for this training.
  • If we receive more eligible applications than spaces available, we will endeavour to schedule additional training sessions at a later date (subject to funding).
  • Places are provided free of charge but are worth a considerable amount. Please only apply if you can commit to attending the session.
The deadline to apply is

If you have any queries please email