Introduction: We are graduate students in the USF Zimmerman School of Advertising and Mass Communications conducting research on behalf of a local non-profit organization. Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Your responses will remain anonymous. Please indicate your response by selecting the appropriate button.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate how important the issues impacting combat veterans are to you by clicking the button that best reflects your opinion.

  Unimportant Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
Job Opportunities
Transitioning Into Civilian Life
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Healthcare Coverage

Question Title

* 2. I believe that PTSD is a condition impacting my community.

Question Title

* 3. I am aware of resources for PTSD therapy that are available in my community.

Question Title

* 4. The impact of PTSD is personally relevant to me.

Question Title

* 5. I believe I am sufficiently informed about PTSD.

Question Title

* 6. I believe there is an unfair stigma on those diagnosed with PTSD.

Question Title

* 7. I know where to go for help if I, or someone I know, suffers from PTSD.

Question Title

* 8. I am satisfied with resources available in my community for PTSD therapy.

Question Title

* 9. I do not think I can do anything to impact the occurrence of PTSD in the veteran community.

Question Title

* 10. I intend to seek more information about resources available for PTSD therapy.

Question Title

* 11. I plan to visit a Web site to learn more about PTSD therapy.

Question Title

* 12. I would volunteer my time to a non-profit organization that provides PTSD therapy services.

Question Title

* 13. Please indicate how frequently you use the following communication channels to get news and information about your community.

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Social Media 
Online Search

Question Title

* 14. How credible do you think these sources are on the topic of PTSD?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Veteran or Current Service Member 
Primary Care Physician
Government Official
Friends and Family

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate on the following scale how familiar you are with the Pasco County Veterans Alternative Therapy Center?

Instructions: Listed below are a few demographic questions about you that will help us to understand your answers. Please write or select the appropriate response.

Question Title

* 16. Are you a veteran or a current member of the military?

Question Title

* 17. What is your Zip Code?

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* 18. What is your age?

Question Title

* 19. How long have you been out of the military?

Question Title

* 20. How long (in years) did you serve in the military?

Question Title

* 21. What is your sex?

Thank you for participating in this study!