Mad Flash App Evaluation |
Seeking Field Evaluators for Mad Flash App
Mad Flash is an iOS app designed for the iPad. Its primary purpose is recreational, but it can also provide practice in basic math operations in the form of flash cards. Playing Mad Flash involves quick recall, memory, and physical movement. The game requires from two to eight players, ages 6 and up, and is accessible to those with or without visual impairments.
To participate in this field test, field evaluators should have the iPad 2 (or above) running iOS 9 (or above). Evaluators will be asked to use Mad Flash with math students with blindness or low vision along with normally sighted students if possible. They will then complete and return a product evaluation form (as a Word file) at the end of the testing period. Field test sites will be selected based upon geographic location, number of available students, and type of instructional setting. The field test will begin in March and be completed by the end of April 2017.
If you are interested in serving as a field evaluator, please provide the following information:
To participate in this field test, field evaluators should have the iPad 2 (or above) running iOS 9 (or above). Evaluators will be asked to use Mad Flash with math students with blindness or low vision along with normally sighted students if possible. They will then complete and return a product evaluation form (as a Word file) at the end of the testing period. Field test sites will be selected based upon geographic location, number of available students, and type of instructional setting. The field test will begin in March and be completed by the end of April 2017.
If you are interested in serving as a field evaluator, please provide the following information: