ATTENTION EMPLOYERS: Completion of this survey is critical as results are provided to the educational program and used for program improvement and accreditation outcomes reporting. Your input and participation are truly appreciated!

Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 3. Name of Company:

Question Title

* 4. Name of Evaluator:

Question Title

* 5. Title of Evaluator:

Question Title

* 6. Knowledge Base (Cognitive Domain)

  1-Poor 2-Below Average 3-Average 4-Good 5-Excellent
Knowledge of basic clinical practice:
Knowledge of professional practice and ethical conduct:
Knowledge of interdisciplinary practice and cooperative programming:
Knowledge of research application and interpretation:
Ability to interpret prescription for therapeutic exercise from referring parties:
Skills to analyze problems:
Skills to prioritize and define the goals and objectives of a problem:
Skills to generate creative and conceptual solutions to problems:
Oral communication skills needed to elicit information, negotiate, and present to others:
Writing skills appropriate to producing treatment reports, patient charting, and/or articles for publication:

Question Title

The employee had the ability to:

  1-Poor 2-Below Average 3-Average 4-Good 5-Excellent
Obtain oral medical history from client/caregiver:
Evaluate client fitness, including strength, endurance, power and flexibility:
Evaluate client cardiorespiratory fitness:
Evaluate client balance and mobility, including use of mobility aids:
Develop, in cooperation with client and caregiver, attainable goals and objectives for treatment:
Develop and implement appropriate therapeutic exercises to maximize client functional status:
Assess client progress toward goals and modify treatment program as needed:
Develop and instruct client/caregiver in home exercise program:

Question Title

* 8. BEHAVIORAL SKILLS (Affective Domain)
The employee:

  1-Poor 2-Below Average 3-Average 4-Good 5-Excellent
Communicates effectively with clients, caregiver, referring physicians, co-workers, supervisors, and vendors:
Work cooperatively with others on team projects:
Elicit client/caregiver needs through written and verbal communication:
Seek client/caregiver feedback at each stage of treatment and make modifications as needed:
Practice in a professional and ethical manner:
Comply with all documentation policies of the facility:

Question Title

* 9. Overall Preparedness (entry level)

  1-Strongly Disagree 2-Generally Disagree 3-Neutral (acceptable) 4-Generally Agree 5-Strongly Agree
Graduate is adequately prepared for an entry-level position:

Question Title

* 10. Identify the employee's strengths:

Question Title

* 11. Identify the employee's weaknesses:

Question Title

* 12. What suggestions do you have for improving the education of future graduates?