Question Title

* 1. Title of Presentation

Question Title

* 2. Name of Presenter, email address, degree obtained (ex. Juanita Yancey, MBA) (*important- email address is required in order to contact you.)

Question Title

* 3. Proposal Abstract Information (Provide a brief description of your presentation).(required)

Question Title

* 4. Summary of Presentation (Please including the following.) (Each section A-D must be completed entirely).
A. Provide a detailed description of the content of the presentation.
B. Note any display and/or planned interactive activities in which the audience will be involved (Q&A, 1 or 2 activities, PowerPoint presentation, etc.). 
C. State the Principles of Adult Learning that will be incorporated into your presentation.
D. Include a brief outline of learning objectives.

Question Title

* 5. What learning strand or track does this presentation relates to?

Question Title

* 6. Presentations may be scheduled to run 90 minutes and may be needed multiple days during the Conference. You are expected to plan your presentation accordingly.  Please answer questions 1-2 to help us review and/or schedule your presentation.
1. Would you be willing to repeat your presentation?
2. Will you be participating for the entire Conference (May 3-5, 2023)?

Question Title

* 7. Indicate the targeted audience for this presentation.

Question Title

* 8. If you will have a Co-Presenter, please complete the information below or indicate (NA) ( * A Co-Presenter's fee of $125.00 will apply if co-presenter is not a paid registered participant, Corporate Member or sponsor).
Co-Presenter's Name & Title:
Co-Presenter's email address:
Co-Presenter's telephone number:

Question Title

* 9. If your proposal is accepted, a $200.00 workshop fee will apply for public\private companies or non-profit organizations that are not registered paid Conference participants or sponsors.  This fee is waived for Corporate Members and Georgia state partners. Please indicate the following below: (paid, not registered, Corporate member or partner).  

Question Title

* 10. Please tell us the exact costs GHSA may incur if your proposal is accepted. Costs that exceed $500.00 may not be accepted.  Fees expected to be paid by GHSA will be negotiated and may include (travel, meals, lodging, etc.) in lieu of cash payments.  Thank you for your Conference proposal submission! We look forward to working with you and hopefully seeing you during the Conference in beautiful St. Simons Island, GA. SAVE THE DATES!: May 3-5, 2023