Keystone Trails Association Strategic Planning Public Input Survey

Keystone Trails Association provides, protects, preserves, and promotes recreational hiking trails and hiking opportunities in Pennsylvania. We want to know more about Pennsylvania's hikers and what they want to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience. This survey should take six minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements related to the type of hiking experience you like to have?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I enjoy solitude when hiking.
I enjoy hiking with others.
I am comfortable being in the wilderness alone.
I am willing to travel over an hour to go hiking.
I enjoy connecting with wildlife.
I like the option of hiking with my pet.
Costs to participate (travel, user fees, equipment) limit my ability to hike.
I enjoy rugged, challenging trails.
Trails need to have detailed maps and lots of signage.
Trail accessibility for people with disabilities should be a priority.
Losing cell phone coverage makes me apprehensive.

Question Title

* 2. What excites you about your involvement with the hiking community?  Please rate the importance of each of these activities to you.

  Very important Somewhat important Important Slightly important Not important
Trail Advocacy - protecting hiking trails and hiking experiences
Trail Protection - preserving trail corridors
Trail Care - taking care of trails to keep them safe and free of obstacles
Trail Club Support - services, activities, outings to support trail clubs
Trail Promotion - attending events and outings and helping others find trail information

Question Title

* 3. How do you use technology to support your hiking experiences? (check all that apply)

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* 4. What is the single most important thing hiking organizations could do to help you participate in hiking the trails in Pennsylvania?

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* 5. When seeking information on hiking trails in Pennsylvania, which do you use the most? (pick one)

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* 6. What are the reasons you do not go hiking? (check all that apply)

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* 7. How many times have you engaged in hiking Pennsylvania trails in the past year?

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* 8. How far are you willing to travel to hike a trail in Pennsylvania?

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* 9. Are you with a trail club, trail running group, or trail Meetup group in Pennsylvania?

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* 10. Have you heard of Keystone Trails Association?

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* 11. If you have heard of Keystone Trails Association, how did you hear about us?

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* 12. What has been your involvement with Keystone Trails Association?

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* 13. Is there anything Keystone Trails Association could improve or offer with our services?

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* 14. Where do you live?

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* 15. How would you describe where you live?

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* 16. Gender

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* 17. Age

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* 18. Ethnicity