Grass Lake Community Recreation Survey

Grass Lake Charter Township, the Village of Grass Lake, and Grass Lake Community Schools have formed the Grass Lake Joint Recreation Committee to address recreation needs within the greater Grass Lake community through the development of a Grass Lake Area Recreation Plan.

The current Grass Lake Recreation Plan can be found at the following links:

The Grass Lake Joint Recreation Committee is currently updating the existing Grass Lake Area Recreation Plan to cover the years 2025-2029. The updated Grass Lake Recreation Plan will make the community eligible for Michigan Department of Natural Resources grant funding for implementation of goals identified in the Recreation Plan. The following survey solicits your input to help shape the goals and action items that will form the basis of the updated recreation plan. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey to help us improve our community's recreation assets. Survey responses will be collected until August 15, 2024.
1.Are you familiar with the Grass Lake Area Recreation Plan 2016-2020 edition
2.Are you aware of the current recreation plans for our Grass Lake community?
3.Do you believe that adequate recreational opportunities and facilities are provided to community residents?
4.Do you believe recreational facilities and programming for seniors, adults, and youth are important to the future of Grass Lake?
5.What recreational facilities do you currently use in the Grass Lake community?
6.Are you aware of any accessibility issues that need to be addressed at Grass Lake recreation areas?
7.How many times have you participated in or visited our community recreational activities/facilities in the past 12 months?
8.Does your family participate in Grass Lake community sports leagues?
9.Do you use recreational facilities outside of the community? which facilities? Where? How frequently?
10.Do you believe the community is walkable?
11.Where do people want to walk and/or bike to within the community that they can't currently?
12.Would you like to see a non-motorized trail between the Sports Park on Willis Road and the Village Hall area?
13.Do you prefer private recreational areas to those provided by the public sector?
14.Do you believe that the local governments need to place a higher priority on financially funding parks, non-motorized trails, and recreation?
15.Would you support a recreation millage to further develop, maintain and enhance the community parks, non-motorized trails, and recreation?
16.Have you voted in the past 12 months?
17.Do you believe trail location markers and increased lighting and other park amenities would increase the usage of the community's recreational areas?
18.Would you support outside vendors, such as gear rentals or food concessions, operating on-site at community recreation areas?
19.Should Grass Lake leverage its current outdoor recreation amenities to become the outdoor recreation hub of Jackson County to attract visitors and new investment to the community?
20.What types of additional recreation facilities and services would you like to see provided for community residents?
21.Additional Comments or Suggestions: