
Thank you for your interest in the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan Update to the Land Use and Mobility Element. Please use this comment form to provide your input on draft Objectives and Policies for Goal 6 — A Balanced Transportation Network. Goal 6 is supported by thirteen Objectives, each with several Policies.

An open-ended comment box is provided for the Goal and each of the Objectives and its supporting Policies. A final open-ended comment box is provided for any additional comments you may have.

Each of the six draft Goals will be released separately in a similar format. Input will become a part of the public record and inform revisions to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies.

The draft Objectives and Policies support the over-arching vision of Goals through measurable targets for how the community should grow through the horizon year of 2050. The Land Use and Mobility Element focuses on guiding the way in which we develop and protect lands, and how our transportation system is planned, implemented, and maintained.

Please take a moment to review the graphic below, which shows the difference and relationship between Goals, Objectives, and Policies.

Please anticipate 40-55 minutes to read the draft language and provide input. If you would like to review the draft prior to starting the comment form, it can be viewed and downloaded here: Goal 6 Draft Objectives and Policies.

You are also welcome to provide your written comments by email or post. Please email to planning@talgov.com or mail to TLC Planning Department, 300 S Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301.